Información de interés


El impacto del divorcio en la calidad de vida de los niños de 8 a 12 años de edad en la provincia de Alicante

16 de abril de 2021

Los objetivos del estudio fueron examinar por primera vez en una muestra española diferencias en la calidad de vida infantil en función de la estructura familiar, y averiguar si la calidad de vida de los niños con padres divorciados difiere en función de la conflictividad interparental después del divorcio. Diseño transversal descriptivo. Participaron 1.025 niños…

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Ajustamento da criança à separação ou divórcio dos pais

16 de abril de 2021

O presente artigo procura relacionar e analisar evidências empíricas e teóricas sobre o impacto e os fatores associados ao impacto da separação ou divórcio dos pais no ajustamento da criança. Realizou-se uma revisão agregativa da literatura, recorrendo às palavras-chave “divorce adjustment”, “child divorce” e “divorce impact”, nas bases de dados JSTOR, PsycInfo, SciELO e…

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Pre-divorce problems in 3-year-olds: a prospective study in boys and girls

16 de abril de 2021

We examined to what extent internalizing and externalizing problems at age 3 preceded and predicted parental divorce, and if divorce and the time lapse since divorce were related to internalizing and externalizing problems at age 12. Parental ratings of internalizing and externalizing problems were collected with the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) in a large sample…

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Reconsidering the “Good Divorce”

16 de abril de 2021

This study attempted to assess the notion that a ‘‘good divorce’’ protects children from the potential negative consequences of marital dissolution. A cluster analysis of data on postdivorce parenting from 944 families resulted in three groups: cooperative coparenting, parallel parenting, and single parenting. Children in the cooperative coparenting (good divorce) cluste…

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Child temperament moderates the impact of parental separation on adolescent mental health: The TRAILS Study

16 de abril de 2021

The potential effect of parental separation during early adolescence on adolescent externalizing and internalizing problems was investigated in a longitudinal sample of adolescents (n = 1274; mean age = 16.27; 52.3% girls). Pre-separation mental health problems were controlled for. Building on a large number of studies that overall showed a small effect of parental separ…

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The effects of family type on child mortality

16 de abril de 2021

A growing number of children live in single-parent families, which seems to be associated with negative effects on a child’s health. Little is known about the health of children in cohabiting two-parent families that are also increasingly common, and more susceptible to family break-up than married two-parent families. This study seeks to determine if family…

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Enhancing youth outcomes following parental divorce: a longitudinal study of the effects of the new beginnings program on educational and occupational goals

16 de abril de 2021

This study examined whether the New Beginnings Program for divorced families led to improvements in youth’s educational goals and job aspirations 6 years following participation and tested whether several parenting and youth variables mediated the program effects. Participants were 240 youth aged 9 to 12 years at the initial assessment, and data were part of…

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Impact of divorce on children: Developmental considerations

16 de abril de 2021

Divorce in America affects children of every ethnic background, religion, and socioeconomic status. Approximately 50% of all first marriages will end in divorce, with over 1 million children being affected per year. The most recent data published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reveal a divorce rate in 2009 of 3.4 per…

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Life satisfaction among children in different family structures: A comparative study of 36 western societies

16 de abril de 2021

This paper examines differences in life satisfaction among children in different family structures in 36 western, industrialised countries (n = 184 496). Children living with both biological parents reported higher levels of life satisfaction than children living with a single parent or parent–step-parent. Children in joint physical custody reported significantly higher …

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Childhood problem behavior and parental divorce: evidence for gene-environment interaction

16 de abril de 2021

The importance of genetic and environmental influences on children’s behavioral and emotional problems may vary as a function of environmental exposure. We previously reported that 12-year-olds with divorced parents showed more internalizing and externalizing problems than children with married parents, and that externalizing problems in girls precede and predict later

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