Información de interés


Adverse childhood experiences and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in adults

15 de abril de 2021

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a heterogeneous group of disorders classified into three subtypes: asthmatic, bronchitic, and emphysematous. In 2000, an estimated 10 million U.S. adults reported physician-diagnosed COPD, of whom approximately 726,000 were hospitalized. While smoking is the primary risk factor for COPD, multiple factors other than smoking …

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Family structure history and adolescent adjustment

15 de abril de 2021

As patterns of union formation and dissolution in adult lives become complex, the living arrangements of American children are becoming increasingly fluid. With a sample (N = 12,843) drawn from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, this study attempted to capture this complexity by mapping out children’s family structure histories across their early life…

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Family structure, nonresident father involvement, and adolescent eating patterns

15 de abril de 2021

A large percentage of American adolescents are engaging in poor eating habits, including skipping meals, lower than recommended consumption of vegetables, fruits, and dairy products, frequent consumption of candy and fast food, and greater reliance on packaged foods and eating out. Inadequate nutrition impairs children’s growth and development and sets the stage for poor…

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Adverse Childhood Experiences and the risk of premature mortality

15 de abril de 2021

The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study, a collaborative effort between Kaiser Permanente (San Diego CA) and the CDC (Atlanta GA), was designed to examine the long-term relationship between ACEs and a variety of health behaviors and health outcomes in adulthood. The ACE Study proposes that stressful or traumatic childhood experiences have negative neurodevelopmental

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The social determinants of child health: variations across health outcomes-a population-based cross-sectional analysis

15 de abril de 2021

Disparities in child health outcomes persist despite advances in medical technology and increased global wealth. The social determinants of health approach is useful in explaining the disparities in health. Our objective in this paper is four-fold: (1) to test whether the income relationship (and the related income gradient) is the same across different child health…

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Childhood adversities and adult psychopathology in the WHO Word Mental Health Surveys

15 de abril de 2021

Significant associations between retrospectively reported childhood adversities and adult mental disorders have been documented in numerous epidemiological studies. Most of these studies, however, either considered only a single childhood adversity or a composite measure that did not allow differential effects of multiple childhood adversities to be examined. Only a few …

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Building a framework for global surveillance of the public health implications of Adverse Childhood Experiences

15 de abril de 2021

In May 2009, the WHO and the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (CDC, Atlanta GA) met in Geneva, Switzerland, to begin a collaborative effort to build a framework for public health surveillance that can be used to define the global health burden of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). In addition to WHO…

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Familial instability and young children´s physical health

15 de abril de 2021

This paper uses recent longitudinal data about a cohort of young children born in the United States to mostly unmarried parents to examine the association between increasingly-complex patterns of family instability and physical health in early childhood. The analyses assess whether, and how, the association between family instability and child health varies across a numb…

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Pathways and mechanisms in adolescence contribute to adult health inequalities

15 de abril de 2021

Aims: This paper presents a model that encompasses pathways and mechanisms working over adolescence that contribute to adult health inequalities. We review evidence on the four mechanisms: socially differential exposure, tracking, socially differential tracking, and socially differential vulnerability. Methods: We conducted literature searches in English-language peer-re…

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Association of family stressful life-change events and health-related quality of life in fifth-grade children

15 de abril de 2021

Stressfull Life-Change Events (SLEs) are personal, social, familial, and occupational life changes that require coping or adaptation, and they are generally believed to induce stress. Children may experience multiple SLEs, such as a family member’s death or a move to a new home; the accumulation of SLEs is associated with multiple physical and mental health…

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