Información de interés


Adult recall of parental alienation in a community sample: Prevalence and associations with psychological maltreatment

13 de abril de 2021

Two hundred fifty-three adults working in a New York child welfare agency agreed to complete anonymous research packets containing, among other measures, 6 existing scales of psychological maltreatment and a single item about exposure to parental alienation as a child. Results revealed that one fourth of the full sample reported some exposure to parental alienation,…

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Parental alienation, DSM-V, and ICD-11

13 de abril de 2021

Parental alienation is an important phenomenon that mental health professionals should know about and thoroughly understand, especially those who work with children, adolescents, divorced adults, and adults whose parents divorced when they were children. We define parental alienation as a mental condition in which a child—usually one whose parents are engaged in a highco…

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Realidad del pretendido Síndrome de Alienación Parental (SAP): Respaldo judicial y técnico

13 de abril de 2021
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Intervention strategies for parent coordinators in parental alienation cases

13 de abril de 2021

Families characterized by parental alienation present problems that are extremely difficult to resolve through conventional methods of family therapy. Court appointed parenting coordinators (P.C.) are in the very best position to make effective interventions in these cases. The authors use genograms to illustrate the difficulties of establishing normal visitation and re-…

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El constructo Síndrome de Alienación Parental (S.A.P.) en psicología forense: Una propuesta de abordaje desde la evaluación pericial psicológica

13 de abril de 2021

Desde que a mediados de los años ochenta el psiquiatra estadounidense Richard Gardner definiera el Síndrome de Alienación Parental muchas han sido las controversias sociales, científicas y jurídicas surgidas entorno a él. Entendiendo que dicha fenomenología tiene en el contexto judicial su principal ámbito de expresión, en el presente artículo se propone un abordaje de…

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Le juge aux affaires familiales face au syndrome d´aliénation parentale

13 de abril de 2021

Aux termes des dispositions de l’article 373-2 du Code civil la séparation des parents est sans incidence sur les règles de dévolution de l’exercice de l’autorité parentale. Chacun des père et mère doit maintenir des relations personnelles avec l’enfant et respecter les liens de celui-ci avec l’autre parent. Le principe est donc qu’au-delà du divorce,…

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Parental alienation critics and politics of science

13 de abril de 2021

This article examines the assertions, made by two main groups of critics, about Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS) and parental alienation (PA). Among the topics discussed are: role of the alienating parent; structural interventions such as custodial transfer; relationship between PAS and allegations of sex abuse; and controversy over use of the term syndrome.

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Parental alienation and the dynamics of the enmeshed parent-child dyad: Adultification, parentification, and infantilization

13 de abril de 2021

When caregivers conflict, systemic alliances shift and healthy parent-child roles can be corrupted. The present paper describes three forms of role corruption which can occur within the enmeshed dyad and as the common complement of alienation and estrangement. These include the child who is prematurely promoted to serve as a parent’s ally and partner, the…

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Parental alienation among college students

13 de abril de 2021

A sample of 50 college students responded to a questionnaire measuring perceptions of alienating behaviors on the part of their parents and their current relationship with each parent. Data revealed a higher degree of alienating behavior by divorced parents when compared to non-divorced parents. Mothers and fathers were rated about equally likely to engage in…

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The psychosocial treatment of parental alienation

13 de abril de 2021

Psychiatrists, mental health workers, and lawyers serving families in court have all heard it before: a mother saying, «He is nothing but a sperm donor,» a father trying to contain his rage, saying, «My ex-wife is brainwashing my children with denigrating accusations, so the children are afraid of seeing me because of false allegations of…

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