Información de interés


Review of: Parental Alienation Syndrome, DSM-5, and ICD-11

13 de abril de 2021

In child custody disputes between hostile parents, one parent will sometimes try to alienate the children from the other parent. This can be done for legal purposes or may simply be done for psychological motives. «Parental alienation syndrome» (PAS) has not been accepted by the scientific community as valid and reliable. It has been advanced…

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Children of Divorce: The differential diagnosis of contact refusal

13 de abril de 2021

Marriages in the United States are certainly not a stranger to divorce and all the related psychosocial issues involved. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that the divorce rate over the past few years has been essentially half the rate of marriages. Children involved in divorce have a wide range of experiences and…

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Descripción del Síndrome de Alienación Parental en una muestra forense

13 de abril de 2021

El Síndrome de Alienación Parental (SAP) fue definido por Gardner (1985, 1987, 1992) como una alteración que usualmente aparece en el contexto de un divorcio, en la que el niño desprecia y critica a uno de sus progenitores, cuando tal valoración negativa está injustificada o es exagerada. En el SAP un progenitor programa mentalmente al…

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The long-term correlates of childhood exposure to parental alienation on adult self-sufficiency and well-being

13 de abril de 2021

The degree of conflict between parents during and after separation has been identified as the single best predictor of outcomes for children after divorce (Pruett, Williams, Isabella, & Little, 2003; Schick, 2002). One distinct form of parental conflict that can sometimes emerge under high conflict situations has been termed parental alienation (PA). This refers to…

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Parental Alienation Syndrome in Italian legal judgments: An exploratory study

13 de abril de 2021

Divorce has become a significant social phenomenon in Italy since the end of the 1980s and early 1990s; it has gradually increased to the same proportions observed in other parts of the Western world. There has been a 60% increase in the number of divorces since the beginning of the 1990s, from 50,000 cases in…

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Complex alienation dynamics and very young children

13 de abril de 2021

The alienation of children is a growing concern of those who work with families of high-conflict divorce, with a correspondingly large and expanding literature on the subject in the last few years. There seems to be little question that there exists a subgroup of distressed children of divorce who resist or refuse parenting time, and…

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Parental alienation in divorce judgments

13 de abril de 2021

The disciplines of law and psychology have in common that they both address human behaviour. Whereas psychology intends to explain why people comport themselves in one or another way, the purpose of the law is to regulate human conduct. Both disciplines have been investigated extensively. There are, however, few studies that deal with the interaction…

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Contact refusal by children following acrimonious separation: Therapeutic approaches with children and parents

13 de abril de 2021

It is generally supposed that having contact with a non-resident parent is something to aim for. We share that principle. We are also aware that research findings are equivocal in that the effects on child adjustment of maintaining contact with the non-resident parent are less consistently positive than might be supposed (Lamb, Sternberg, & Thompson,…

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El principio del interés superior del niño en las situaciones de crisis familiar: Una perspectiva comparada en el ámbito de la Unión Europea

13 de abril de 2021

La Convención de los Derechos del Niño de 1989 consagra el principio del interés superior. Su concreción plantea retos al ordenamiento de todos los Estados parte. En nuestro país y en los de nuestro entorno sociocultural, la solución judicial de las crisis familiares provocadas por la ruptura de los progenitores como pareja puede poner en…

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Razonamientos judiciales en procesos de separación

13 de abril de 2021

El ordenamiento jurídico español determina que en la guarda y custodia de los menores inmersos en un proceso de separación o divorcio de sus padres debe prevalecer el «mejor interés del menor». Para conocer si se cumple este mandato legal, tomamos 782 sentencias que tenían por objeto establecer la guarda y custodia de menores. Un…

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